Electrical Compliance and Safety Services:

GOAT Electrical are committed to ensuring your property’s electrical systems meet all current safety standards and regulations. Our expert team provides thorough inspections, certifications, and services to guarantee your installations are compliant and reliable. Scroll down to learn more about how we can help protect your property and ensure long-term safety.


Record of Inspection (ROI): Our qualified electricians provide comprehensive Records of Inspection to ensure electrical installations meet all safety and regulatory standards.


Certificate of Verification (COV): We offer Certificates of Verification for compliance with electrical regulations, ensuring your installations are up to code and safe for use.


E-Warrant of Fitness (E-WOF): GOAT Electrical provides Electrical Warrant of Fitness services, ensuring that your mobile property's electrical systems are inspected and certified for safety and functionality.


Verification Services: We provide detailed verification services to ensure that your electrical systems are compliant with all relevant standards and regulations.